Thursday, February 21, 2008

Gundam 00

Not sure if I have done a review on Gundam 00 before=>
ok here is the synopsis...

It is the year A.D. 2307. Fossil fuels on Earth have been depleted entirely, with mankind turning to the next available power source: solar energy. During this time, 3 orbital elevators with solar power generation systems are built, each under control by the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations (formerly United States of America), the Human Reform League (Russia, China and India) and the Advanced European Union. However, not all countries are able to enjoy the benefits of this system, leading to widespread resentment and war. Arising out of the conflict, a mysterious military organization known as Celestial Being appears, dedicated to end all warfare using Mobile Suits called Gundam. This begins the stories of Gundam Meisters (pilots) Setsuna F. Seiei, Lockon Stratos, Allelujah Haptism and Tiera Erde as they are thrown into conflict between the 3 superpowers and the other various factions.

Story up to now was exciting, personally of the Gundam series I've onli watched W, X,V, MS 08th and MS igloo. Somehow I'm juz not into Seed so I skipped that series. But 00 is something not to be missed. Plot of the story feels much closer to our timeline, not like the other Gundam series where they are far out into the future, this makes the development of Gundam into this era possible and sound fleasible. (hehe=D) Makes me wonder if in the future humans would be relying on solar energy and not on raw fuels. Anyway it's pretty cool the 4 "good" gundams and the 3 "bad" gundams that juz entered te series. I wondered if the 3 gundams that juz entered into the story is being used as a plot against the celestial being. personally they are pretty evil to be attacking civillians besides juz eradicating war. (juz my comments no offense-.-)I will be adding the 2nd op of the song into my blog feel free to listen. It's quite nice =D

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